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4 Tips for Staying Fit this Fall

1. Get outdoors- Tis the season of apple picking and pumpkin patching . With the

amazing weather that comes with Fall, now is the time to get active outside! Go for a hike, bike ride, or kayaking. Make a day date out of it with your honeycrisp and enjoy this time of year!

2. Wake Up! The time change will be happening soon and that post work workout is going to feel even later when heading to the gym for your workout. Get in the habit of completing your workout in the A.M. before you even head into work.


3. Stick to your plan- With the holidays rolling around its easy to fall into the temptation of eating all of those delicious treats. Life is all about balance. One cookie or slice of pie won't kill you or deter you from your goals. Now eating all the pies may have a different outcome. When going to parties/dinners, eat a meal that is packed with lean protein, healthy fats and some carbs. Most of those treats will be packed with carbs so filling up on protein before hand will prevent you from eating all of the pies. Moderation is key!

4. Set Goals- What do you want to accomplish the last few months of 2016? If you set a goal way back in January and have yet to get to it, now is your chance to start. Commit and be consistent with whatever you are working on. Create a workout plan Sunday for the week ahead and schedule the days you plan to make it to the gym. Sign up for that road race you've been wanting to do! Whatever your goals may be, fitness related or not, keep your eye on the prize and get after it!

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